We accelerate parametric insurance to ensure that life and business worldwide continue. With climate change.

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Rapid Recovery

Pre-defined financial protection from hurricane risk

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In the wake of a hurricane, immediate help is crucial for the survival and future economic prosperity of people and businesses in affected areas. Our Hurricane Rapid Recovery Insurance (HRRI) is designed to provide pre-defined payouts that are calculated based on the maximum hurricane category when the storm intersects with your insured location.

  • No need to file a loss claim

  • Payout takes place within days and can be used for all purposes

  • Trigger based on hurricane intensity

  • Protection for small, mediu and large enterprises

Rapid Recovery

Swfit cash relief without proof of loss

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Our product Earthquake Rapid Recovery Insurance (ERRI) swiftly provides financial relief to policyholders, securing livelihoods and keeping businesses afloat within days. Loss payouts are calculated based on the maximum Earthquake Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) intensity recorded at your insured location, offering comprehensive coverage in one or multiple circles centered around your insured address.

  • No need for proof of physical loss

  • No requirement for proof of loos of business income

  • Payout trigger based on data from the US Geological Survey (USGS)

  • Payout wire-transferred directly to the insured within days

  • Transparent product administered through our proprietary platform

Rapid Recovery

Fast cash within a matter of days to keep businesses running

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Our Flood Rapid Recovery Insurance (FRRI) parametric product quickly releases loss payouts after a catastrophic rainfall event. This provides much-needed cash within a matter of days to help businesses keep running. Payouts are based on the maximum 24-hour accumulated rainfall of grid cells within the insured location.

  • No need to prove physical property damage

  • No proof of loss of income required

  • Rapid wire transfer of loss payout

  • Loss trigger based on NASA satellite data (GPM IMERG)

  • Transparent product administered through our proprietary platform

rainfall and drought

Pre-defined financial cover from rainfall and drought extremes

Download the brochure - Rainfall

Download the brochure - Drought

Our parametric rainfall and drought insurance products provide cover against revenue loss, including non-damage business interruptions, due to rainfall fluctuations. It triggers payouts based on preset conditions like excessive or insufficient rain days, rainfall volume, or water balance deficits. Widely applicable in agriculture, hydropower, construction, and tourism, it caps losses within predefined limits.

  • Rain Day Cover – Payout for Excess Rain Days

  • Rain Season Cover – Payout for Excess Cumulative Rainfall

  • Dry Season Cover – Payout for Deficit Cumulative Rainfall

  • Low Water Balance Season Cover – Payout for Deficit Water Balance

heat and freeze

Reliable financial cover against temperature extremes

Download the brochure - Heat

Download the brochure - Freeze

Our parametric heat and freeze insurance products provide coverage against revenue loss, including non-damage business interruptions, due to extreme temperature fluctuations. Payouts are triggered based on preset conditions such as excessive heat days, extreme freeze degrees, or an unusual number of frost occurrences. This coverage is particularly valuable in sectors like agriculture, energy, construction, and tourism, helping to cap losses within predefined limits.

  • Frost Day Cover – Payout for Excess Frost Days

  • Freeze Degree Cover – Payout for Excess Freeze Degrees

  • Heat Day Cover – Payout for Excess Heat Days

  • Heat Degree Cover – Payout for Excess Heat Degrees

Parametric insurance settlement services

Accelerated insurance claims settlements

There’s a growing demand among insurance providers to deliver rapid claims payouts and our parametric capabilities are used to speed up claims settlements. We provide settlement services to insurance and reinsurance companies. We act as the independent third party, monitoring incoming data on a daily basis and calculating if there is a payout at a specific location. 

  • Transparency to all stakeholders

  • An independent party 

  • Access to multiple NatCat data sources

  • Fast payout calculations

  • Official reporting of data and calculated payout

Environmental Monitoring System (EMS)

Easy access to global climate datasets

Our Environmental Monitoring System is a comprehensive data hub, and we offer it to companies looking to also establish a Centre of Excellence for parametrics. The system enables analysts, risk managers and claims officers to access, analyse, visualise and apply global climate, vegetation and natural catastrophe data, from different sources on one single platform. 

  • Easy, quick access to global climate and NatCat datasets

  • Sophisticated data aggregation and visualisation

  • Monitoring of current conditions vs climatology for anomaly detection

  • Customised automated reporting

  • Seamless data import and export

Weather derivatives

Protect your business against losses due to adverse weather

Companies of weather dependent industries such as construction, energy, tourism, transportation, agriculture, retail and wholesale suffer significant losses as a result of adverse weather. Our parametric derivative solutions are based on data provided by independent third-party agencies such as official weather stations or satellites. The payout is linked to reported data, e.g. rainfall, and does not require a proof of loss.

  • Standardised index products for weather yield and NatCat

  • Globally available for all reported weather parameters

  • Automatic payout, no need to file a claim

  • Solutions for all weather dependent industries

Wildfire, Bolivia, 2019

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Efficient access to the parametric insurance market

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Our White Label Platform (WLP) technology solutions empower insurers and distributors to tap into the expanding market of parametric insurance products without the burden of developing in-house solutions that consume IT resources and incur costs. Our propietary platform offers features such as an online premium calculator, monitoring and settlement tools, mobile capabilities, and offer and policy generation. Through our WLP technology, insurers enjoy various benefits:

  • Enriched parametric product portfolio with cutting-edge climate and NatCat solutions

  • Fully digitised end-to-end processes

  • Diversified revenue streams from complementary products

  • Rapid time-to-market at a competitive setup cost


Streamlined and intuitive toolkit for brokers

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Powered by our award-winning technology, our parametric insurance toolkit, ParameterPro, equips brokers with the tools they need to assess climate and NatCat risks. Brokers can build their view of risk, structure products, and calculate expected losses that meet clients’ expectations. 

  • Intuitive structuring

  • Event visualisation

  • Payout visualisation

  • Easy data access

  • Expected losses calculation

  • Export functionality

Data sources

We are accessing, processing and analysing more than 20 different data providers worldwide, and on a daily basis we load more than 180 million new data-points into our databases. We invest a significant amount of time in order to access these sources, and process and unify it in an effective system for our clients. This data underpins everything we do, especially for our white label solutions and environmental monitoring system, real-time climate monitoring and automated claims settlement services.

Data modelling

We use the natural catastrophe model CLIMADA within our Environmental Monitoring System. CLIMADA is a state of the art probabilistic NatCat model, developed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. As an open source platform, we benefit from it being continuously developed, and our modellers use it in different regions of the world for multiple projects.

Wildfire, California, 2020

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Climate Risk Insights and Solutions

Master regulatory reporting. Build capabilities for climate resilience. Reduce earnings volatility.

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We provide end-to-end consulting and solutions for organisations seeking to build resilience against climate-related risks and regulatory reporting as pillars of their long-term strategy.

We partner with you to plan a climate journey that propels your organisation beyond disclosure requirements and builds the in-house capabilities to successfully navigate the climate transition.

Our methodology covers the entire resilience-building framework:

  • ERM integration for Climate risk framework definition

  • Risk identification for Financial materiality assessment

  • Risk scenario analysis for Physical and transition risk scenarios

  • Regulatory reporting under TCFD (ISSB), CSRD and EU taxonomy

  • Risk transfer as Parametric climate insurance

Build the foundations of a climate strategy that secures your climate adaptation plans and helps you reduce earnings volatility. 

Climate Resilience Solutions

Building collaborative solutions to strengthen resilience against natural disasters

The Climate Resilience Solutions (CRS) team supports multilateral banks, development agencies, and NGOs in their efforts to strengthen the financial resilience of emerging market governments, local insurance markets, and/or vulnerable segments of society against natural disaster risks.  

We address complex challenges with a collaborative mindset, working with a range of partners across the insurance and financial inclusion space.  

Building on our strengths in data modelling, risk visualisation, index/parametric product structuring, and end-to-end software solutions, the Climate Resilience Solutions team focuses on: 

  • Climate and disaster risk analysis 

  • Insurance market research and feasibility studies 

  • Developing innovative index/parametric risk transfer solutions (micro, meso, macro) 

  • Tailored software solutions – e.g., to quantify the financial impact of natural disasters across a country 

  • Managing two technical assistance facilities for the InsuResilience Solutions Fund and the Natural Disaster Fund (NDF) managed by our Global Parametrics team.

Insurance consulting

Identify your best risk mitigation strategy

We provide meso and solution-oriented consultancy services for single risks as well as for micro and macro insurance schemes. We cover the entire value chain, including but not limited to:

  • Comprehensive market and product analysis

  • Bespoke risk analysis and feasibility studies

  • Specialised parametric insurance design

  • Parametrics education and training

Windstorm, U.S. Midwest, 2021

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From risk analysis to execution

We support brokers with a strategic interest in weather, agro and NatCat products. Based on large-scale climate data provided by meteorological, hydrological, geological or space agencies we analyse risks, structure index insurance solutions and support best execution in highly specialised markets.

  • Risk analysis and solution design

  • Structuring of risk transfer products

  • Design of company specific and country-wide schemes 

  • Education services

Insurance companies

Drive growth and reduce costs

Our digitised solutions enable insurance companies to transform from traditional manual paper-based processes to highly efficient automated processes. The modular approach allows for changes of individual segments such as pricing, policy issuance or loss settlement into seamless front-to-back processes. Off-the-shelf solutions for weather, agriculture and parametric NatCat insurance products minimise cost and time to market for these lines of business.

  • Consistent and efficient underwriting

  • Streamlined processes

  • Efficient claims handling and settlement

  • Extensive reporting

Reinsurance companies

Gain price consistency and risk data enhancement through cedent companies

We provide highly specialised and customised pricing solutions for reinsurers to enable them to efficiently serve cedent companies. Our experience and longstanding collaboration with reinsurers and alternative markets allows us to provide best execution solutions for our clients.

  • Automated pricing support

  • In-depth modelling and market understanding

Government agencies and cooperatives

From micro to macro solutions

We provide risk analysis and solution designs to cooperatives and governmental agencies ranging from macro to micro index solutions against risks from climate change and natural hazards. Our technology empowers decision makers to identify key risks and to visualise the footprint of actual catastrophic events.

  • Single platform for all relevant global datasets

  • Best in class consultancy

  • Risk analysis and product structuring

  • Data aggregation on grids or administration levels

  • Event footprint analysis within days including GIS shape files

SME and large corporations

Bespoke risk transfer solutions

Our extensive experience in weather risk management enables us to quickly grasp the weather dependency of companies and to statistically quantify their exposure. We believe that educating the decision makers about weather risk to be a cornerstone in building a longstanding weather risk management relationship. Being exceptionally well connected with risk takers, we find best execution solutions for clients.

  • Risk analysis and solution design

  • Structuring of risk transfer products

  • Execution and settlement services


Single peril financial cover for agriculture

By utilising our extensive weather and climate data basis we supply corporates and individual growers involved in Agriculture bespoke parametric risk transfer solutions, involving precipitation, temperature, satellite imagery and crop yields.

  • Risk analysis and feasibility studies for crops

  • Structuring of risk transfer products

  • Execution and settlement services

  • Education services


Global experience in microinsurance schemes

As Technical Assistance Facility manager of the InsuResilience Investment Fund (IIF) of KfW, a cornerstone of the G7 Initiative for Climate Change, CelsiusPro has an in-depth understanding of microinsurance schemes across the globe and has supported numerous companies in serving small-hold farmers’ insurance needs.

  • Risk analysis and feasibility studies

  • Structuring of risk transfer products

  • Design of country wide schemes and industry solutions

  • Education services

Wildfire, U.S. Midwest, 2020

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Let’s talk about how we make it easy for you to trust life and business continue, with climate change.

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We are elevating parametrics
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Trust life and business can continue